Open up a magazine, turn on a home decorating show, or walk through your local West Elm store. Today, more than ever, the Mid-Century style is filling the pages of catalogs, growing popularity on web sites, and even popping up in my prime time television. Why in the digital age are we scrubbing flea markets, antique shops, or Craigslist to find the perfect piece for our home? It seems everyone knows someone with that great Ebay purchase or estate sale find they are just dying to share.
The Midcentury Millennial
Source: Ashton Woods
Source: Ashton Woods
Mid-Century Modern, in short, is clean line minimalism celebrating the beauty in simplicity. In a time where technology and information is cluttering Millennials’ minds, we (yes, me included) are drawn to the ease of this style. Millennials also crave authenticity and individuality. We appreciate high design but want to feel connected to our style. We gravitate towards vintage because we can highlight the origin of that time period.
Source: Ashton Woods
Source: Ashton Woods
I am able to personalize my home while being able to share the story of my Grandpa as I sit in his chair. Mid-Century modern allows Millenials to personalize with unique pieces to fit their lifestyle. And, want to know the best part of all of this? Guess where else you can design a space that is unique and tailored to your lifestyle? You guessed it, The Studio!
Source: Ashton Woods
Source: Ashton Woods
So whether you are a Millennial or a Baby Boomer, attracted to Mid-Century’s clean lines or a more traditional style, we can’t wait to explore your individuality to make your home truly yours.
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